Overcast but barely mizzling, moderate wind from west. Shed 11.5, 98., 3.8 Tunnel 20, 13, 2

Weather has been VERY wet past week so just looked in occasionally for temperature check (see Temperature Table). Also took the monthly Grandie Tree Photos on 16th and 20th - required two attempts to get good ones - little change since Jan.

Some apricot blossom open. Hand pollinated as best I could. 

Planted new cherry tree (Sunburst) and staked. Semi-dwarf rootstock, needs a cutback soon when growth starts.

Fresh west wind, overcast. Shed 11.1,10.8,5.8. Tunnel 19,16,5.5

Trimmed hedge by entrance.

Hazy sunshine, light wind from the west. shed 9.1,7.2,2.8. Tunnel 18, 11.5, 2.0

Digging at the pond. Weeded leeks and general tidying up. Planted odd fir treeling found growing in a big plastic urn at No4 - presumably a seedling from one of the big ones at the back - possibly western red cedar. Put it in near the other little one between the two bigger ones.

Planted a line of willow cuttings from the top clump below the pairs where the previous partially successful line was. Used stouter cuttings and trimmed off the tops. Made 1ft holes with bar to drop them in.

Shed 13.5, 6.7, 1.9. Tunnel 19,12,1 @11:35

Away for the weekend for Sarah's birthday and only a flying visit last Thursday to read and reset the temperatures.

All seems to have survived the weekend gales. Today cold sunshine and heavy showers. Did a bit of digging in plot 1 (brasicas to be). Went to Trewartha in Callington to get seed spuds and onion sets and shallots. Nicola and Red Duke of York first earlies, Maris Peer second early, Vales Sovereign maincrop. Set Nicolas to chit. Stuttgart onions and Red Karman as last year. Shallots.

Raked and watered tunnel beds. 

First blossom opening on apricot.


Overcast and still. Shed 13.2, 8.1, -1.3. Tunnel 23.5,10,-1.5 

Put in more weedmat around blaccurrant and baby redcurrant bushes. Haven't done any thinning yet.

Overcast and windy. shed 12.8, 12.8, 5.1. Tunnel 18,16,5 @11:45

Assembled wooden compost bin - it is quite large! Finished digging plot 4. Planted new Blueberry with weed mat. Also weed mat around topmost blackcurrant and cleared around the collapsed redcurrant.

Planted 2 more trees (unknown) from Euan at Tregonidy. Cleared some dead docks.

Earlier in the week had noticed snowdrops fully out in Underlane (not the first seen)

Sunny, fresh breeze from west, little cloud. Shed 13.3, 10.8, 6.8. Tunnel 20.5, 14.5, 6.0 @11:00

Spread some grass cutting mulch around top area trees and shrubs. Cleared some piles of grass. Continued digging plot #4 extracting nettle, comfrey and dock roots as much as possible.