Last time I wrote I was busy processing plums. Well that continued for another week with the rain returning and swelling the second laden tree's fruit causing some of it to split and let the wasps in. What with that and finishing off the first tree (about 28lbs+ in total I estimate) I only got about half off the second tree - approx 12lbs. But we now have eaten a lot of plums, invested a fair few in the gift economy, and have jars of plum jam, plum cheese, plum chutney and bottled plums and a batch of wine on the go. Still eating some today. 

At the same time the courgette-marrow glut continued and the first batch of french beans produced more than enough to eat and freeze. Also some runner beans appeared and the first cabbage has been cut but not yet eaten (tonight perhaps). Marrows and other veg have gone in piccalilli and also picked marrow both of which look enticing but require some time to mature.

The rain has given the grass a new lease of life and of course it is getting away from me. Not least because the damsons now all need harvesting. The Old Greengage also did produce a few fruit which I picked yesterday and they are totally delicious.

Oh and of course the raspberries are now in full swing with about a pound coming off every second day. Also there are blackberries around, although the best ones seem to be on Newport Industrial Estate here in Lanson. Occasionally I find an odd blueberry or loganberry has ripened and eat it straight from the bush.